A year in review and a glimpse into 2024
A Message from your Board of Directors and Board President
Throughout the bustling year of 2023, the Newington Plantation Home Owners Association (NPEA) achieved remarkable milestones, fostering a stronger sense of community and enhancing our neighborhood’s amenities. A new era began with the launch of our revamped website at the year’s onset, warmly welcomed for its user-friendly interface and the seamless integration of electronic payment methods directly to NPEA.
The Lee Street entrance received a facelift with the installation of a new reader board, a project executed through the collaborative efforts of Thom Nolan and a dedicated team of volunteers.
Exciting community events filled our calendar, including a delightful children’s Easter Egg Hunt and a vibrant shopping extravaganza hosting 20 local vendors and the Crosswind Farm Mobil Petting Zoo.
Engaging discussions involving residents like Gene Brislin, Randy Sadler, Ed Kirsch, and Mark LaVigne paved the way for innovative ideas to enhance our beloved pool facilities.
The Newington Tiger Sharks made a splash in the swimming world, showcasing their prowess in meets across Charleston, culminating in an impressive 8th place finish at the 2023 CCAA Championship Meet.
Speaking of pool, our cherished neighborhood pool remained a hub of summer joy, catering to over 160 members with its family-friendly environment, diving board, concessions, party rentals, and swimming lessons.
Notably, the Town responded to our request by replacing a tire swing set at NP Park with traditional and toddler swings while considering further enhancements. The Town also approved a stop sign to be placed on King Charles Circle in the first quarter of 2024 and we have begun the discussion of additional traffic calming measures for other areas of our neighborhood.
The year concluded with a transition in leadership in October as Newington homeowners elected a new HOA Board of Directors, commemorated by a festive “Meet the new Board” event alongside a merry visit from Santa Claus, fostering connections and community spirit.
2024 will be just as busy with the completion of the Luden Street bridge construction project, approximately 8 – 10 neighborhood events, including the Polar Plunge kicking off the year on January 6th, and a more active community center discussion and implementation strategic plan to bring value and community to our neighborhood.
We want and need your help this year so I ask you to help us shape the future of Newington Plantation by getting involved. With your help, we can accomplish great things.
Happy New Year and I, as well as your association board, look forward to serving you in 2024.